Final Poster
My poster is going to cover "Think Before You Ink" talking about people getting stupid, pointless, ugly tattoos (In my opinion!)
I like the newsprint on this one and the fact that everybody knows its printed in INK |
The octopus squirts ink when threatened so I thought it'd be fun to use him. Mr. Babcock gave me the idea of using a Dr. Stranglove reference and giving the octopus an arm that has a mind of its own that's trying to give one tentacle a tattoo while another tentacle trys to hold it back.
Overall background of the piece will be a very close image of skin, close enough that you can see the pours and all
The message will be written in "tattoo" text and will be placed on a tattoo banner
Sketches up later!
(Book: Art of Modern Rock)
That's a really good idea. One example I can think of that really irks me is when people get their own last name tattooed on themselves.